Network Link conditioner: Apple has included a network link conditioner right in iOS that helps to simulate different types of network connections right on a development device. To install it you need to first download XCode which is freely available in the App Store market. Today, I wanted to briefly talk about a tool mentioned during one of the DevCon sessions I attended. Select your device in the Organizer, and click Network Link Conditioner模拟不同网络环境. If we use Network Link Conditioner and access point made of macOS or iOS devices does not require any extra knowledge and is easy to adjust. ) You can take advantage of the network link conditioner to simulate the networks for other platforms by using the Mac flavor of the conditioner. Within the Android emulator, you can now throttle the network speed directly. Remotely Control Air Conditioners for Home Usage. So you are right: the idea exists out there.
4 GHz connection available when connecting to an air conditioner to the Wi-Fi network.
On iOS devices you can use Network Link Conditioner to simulate time-outs on Android this task is a bit harder, but you can always use a proxy to test this – just intercept a request and wait until the app drops it because of the timeout. Note: This can be done in Xcode via the Organizer (Shift-Command-2). So, to emulate bad connection on Android we need the Android device and… iPhone with Developer Tools switched on.